Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

There are a lot of Macro parameters dedicated to cover your needs.

To access Macro settings open the page in image-20240612-165225.pngImage Modified Edit mode, find (blue star)Copy to Clipboard macro container and click on it. Macro configuration panel will be displayed.

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Clicking on the pencil image-20240508-085611.pngImage Modified icon will open macro settings panel.

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Copy section only parameter allows you to copy only contents of particular layout section in which macro is presented (rest of the page won’t be copied). You can read more about Confluence page layout in this article: If the parameter is checked Copy to Clipboard button will be changed to correspond the action it performs.

Open email client parameter allows you to open default email client, when clicking Copy to Clipboard button. Values in the To, Cc, Bcc, Subject and Body sections of the email will be prepopulated with the values of parameters described below. If the parameter is checked Copy to Clipboard button will be changed to correspond the action it performs.

To parameter allows you to prepopulate To section of your default email client, when opening using Copy to Clipboard button. Several emails can be added, to do so you should separate emails by , symbol. Example:,

Cc parameter allows you to prepopulate Cc section of your default email client, when opening using Copy to Clipboard button. Several emails can be added, to do so you should separate emails by , symbol. Example:,

Bcc parameter allows you to prepopulate Bcc section of your default email client, when opening using Copy to Clipboard button. Several emails can be added, to do so you should separate emails by , symbol. Example:,

Subject parameter allows you to prepopulate the subject of your email, when opening using Copy to Clipboard button.

Body parameter allows you to prepopulate body of your email, when opening using Copy to Clipboard button. To add new lines in the body please use \n symbol. Example:
Hey everyone,\n\nPlease check the the contents of the page below:


Important: to add content of the page to the opened email you need to paste it manually. You can do it using keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+V for Windows, Command+V for Mac) or by clicking right mouse button and selecting Paste option.

Macro can be copied image-20240508-110035.pngImage Modified and used on the same page or some other page in Confluence.

Finally you can delete macro from page using remove button image-20240508-110224.pngImage Modified.